måndag 7 september 2009

September 7

"Spillet" från bergsvärmen skall hjälpa till att hålla dessa ytor fria från is och snö.

English: The extra "vaste" from the ground heating will keep these areas free from ice and snow (hopefully). Global warming could help out a little also...

I morgon hoppas vi att detta skall vara asfalterat. I utrymmet mellan kantstenarna/muren skall det bli en gräsmatta.

English: Hopefully tomorrow this will be paved. I'm not so sure they will do it all in one day though - it could be ready on Wednesday. We'll see... The area in the middle will get some lawn (grass).

Det här är kant-spik-stenarna som skall monteras på kanten av parkeringen på framsidan av huset.

English: This is the corner-edge-stones that will be attached on the edge of the asphalt parking on the front side of the building.

Welandgrabbarna har fått en del gjort idag också på lagerhissarna.

English: the boys from Weland storage systems has started assembling of the "electronics" today.

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